The following is my list of the Top Ten Movies.Not in any particular order unless specifically mentioned:
Top Ten Movies:
1.Kill Bill Vol.1&Vol.2(Definitely At the top):
One of THE BEST movies I have ever seen.and I've seen almost all the so-called best films ever made.This one beats all their asses off.This movie's got awesome acting,amazing music and some of THE COOLEST/funniest dialogues in any movie.EVER.

Notable Scenes:The end sequence with David Carradine and Uma Thurman, the scene in which The Bride breaks out from her grave and the scene where Elle reads out the details about the Black Mamba.
2.Fight Club:I FORGOT THIS MOVIE!!!!In fact I had to come back to put it in here.This movie will CHANGE YOUR LIFE.It's a MIND-BLOWING concept that's very cleverly masked with the pretext of a "fight club". Makes you wonder about how much you really are doing about your life.About how you're not special and that we're all part of the all-singing,all-dancing crap of the world.Brad Pitt and Edward Norton are like two sides of the same coin.and Helena Bonham Carter plays her role PERFECT!!Tyler Durden's one of the only guys who can speak to your rebellious nature and make you wonder about how fucked up we really are.

Notable Scenes:The scene where Tyler Durden states the rules of Fight Club.The hand burning scene.
3.School Of Rock:This is THE movie that any other movie about music and rock'n'roll should look up to and try to keep up with.School Of Rock blends comedy with any true music lover's favourites and keeps in sync with the story and pace of the movie.I've seen this movie a LOT of times and I'll still watch it without getting bored.Jack Black should be enough reason to watch this movie.

Notable Scenes:The scene in Jack Black's van with "Immigrant Song" playing.and the end with Zack's song.
4.Saw I,II and III:I literally LOVE the Saw series.There's something about the psychological tension combined with the blood and gore factor that turns me on.I actually feel an adrenaline rush when I see the scene in Saw 3 with the Classroom/Chain Trap.and the Angel Trap in Saw 3 just FUCKS with your head!!The Reverse Beartrap from the first Saw is hands down my favourite trap.Only an idiot wouldn't like this movie.

Notable Scenes:The end scene of Saw 1.The whole movie's weight crashes down on you in the end of Saw 1.It's the ONE scene I would name that completely made me fall in love with a film.The Glass Box Trap in Saw 2 is great too.One of the simplest and best concepts ever.
5.The Dark Knight:Do I even need to tell you about this movie?If you haven't seen it you've been in hiding for the past 2 months or you're an idiot.If you need more convincing go check out my review of the movie.and yes.Heath Ledger+The Joker=FUCKING AWESOME!!!

Notable Scenes:Any scene with The Joker in it.specifically the scenes where he's talking to Gambol about his father.and the scene where he tells Rachel about how he got his scars.
6.Pudhupettai:Yes.Quite a surprise for everyone I guess.But this is DEFINITELY my favourite Tamil Movie.Well it would be....seeing that it got put into a list of MY PERSONAL favourites.Dhanush's best movie.Great acting.I mean extremely good acting.Most tamil movies don't even come close to this one's realistic depictions of violence and gang wars.

Notable Scenes:The scene where Dhanush kills Murthy and cries over his body.Beautiful scene.
7.The Godfather:Two words:Marlon Brando.It was this guy's acting more than anything else that gave The Godfather such widespread acclaim and let it into MY list of movies.Al Pacino was pretty good too.But Marlon Brando wins HANDS DOWN.If you haven't watched this movie yet you should go out and find someone to bitch-slap you.Or I'll do it.

Notable Scenes:The opening scene with Don Corleone and Amerigo Bonasera.The scene where Jack Woltz wakes up in bed to discover a horrible surprise(No.Not that he wet himself or that his dick fell off).
8.Harold and Kumar(Part 1&2):Kal Penn and John Cho.Funny as hell!!Throw in Neil Patrick Harris and the Hot Latino Girl and you've got a winning combo.Rold n' Kumar.Must-watch comedy.

Notable Scenes:The scene in part 2 with the translator and Harold's parents.HILARIOUS!!!and the scene in part one where the two girls play a competitive game of BattleShits(Yes.....BattleShits)
9.Pulp Fiction:Great Movie.Quentin Tarantino-Director.Cast-Samuel.L.Jackson, John Travolta, Uma Thurman and Bruce Willis.
How can this movie be bad??

Notable Scenes:The Breakfast scene with Brett and the scene with Uma Thurman being revived from her O.D(in truth,Inhaling heroin mistakenly)
10.The Prestige:Personally,I've got a thing for magic,illusions and deception.This movie embodies all these traits without getting boring at all. Hugh Jackman and Christian Bale as rivals with Scarlett Johansson as the Hot assistant is another example of great casting on the director's part.The actors blend into their characters with ease and bring out the best and the worst parts of magic and any illusion.It's true that ever illusion is out in the open for everyone to see.The Truth is in their faces.but they're not really looking.

Notable Scenes:Any scene with Scarlett Johansson on stage.Actually....any scene with Scarlett Johansson.The birdcage trick scene that Hugh Jackman messes up on stage.
That's all the list is.The Top Three are My Top Three Favourites.The others are somewhat in order.This one below this paragraph was another movie I saw today and I already typed it out.So why waste it?This post ends here.
11.Freedom Writers:I just saw this movie.Today,in fact.It just stuck with me.It's one of those rare movies,that's based on a true story and actually made me feel something,almost touching.This movie is excellent.It's about a teacher who starts her teaching career at one of the worst classes in a school,one that everyone's given up on.and the acting is SO realistic and you could feel the students' stories like they were told to you personally.
Notable Scenes:The scene where Hilary Swank finally cracks and talks about the Holocaust,its causes and how the students were emulating the same actions that lead up to it.
The Greatest Person To Ever Exist.