For those of you unfamiliar with the Resident Evil series, it happens to be the best game series. EVER! The awesome concept of zombies and amazing game play blew me away the first time I played it. For me, the first Resident Evil was RE3: Nemesis. Then I went on to play the other parts and fall in love with the series. Then……..Capcom went and ruined EVERYTHING with a pile of shit called Resident Evil: Outbreak.
That game destroyed all hopes of a good sequel that I prayed for. Until Resident Evil 4……This game has to be, without a doubt the best game in the world. I’ve played it over 8 times and I still don’t get bored of it. It’s got every single aspect and characteristic that a great game should possess:
Amazing Game play: Yes
Kickass Weaponry: Fuck yeah!
Hot Chicks: Yes
Badass bad guys: Yes
Zombies: No
Involving plot: Yes
Awesome Graphics: Yes
Fun: Fuck yeah!!
Weird Freaks: Yes
Zombies: No

The only way this game could be any better is if there were Zombies like the original Resident Evil series. As original as the ganados are, I prefer kicking zombie butt to killing almost-human beings. Zombies just die way better and they’re much scarier. Fear=Fun. The weapons are just amazing fun. For example: AN INFINITE ROCKET LAUNCHER!!!Is there anything more awesome in the world??Except maybe a .50 FUCKING MAGNUM!!A FUCKING HANDCANNON!!!
El Gigante:

The enemies are just amazing. A guy with a chainsaw that makes you piss your pants every time he revs it and the giant monster with steel claws and eyes sewn shut that you're locked in a cage with.
Caged with the Garrador:

But the definitive part in the game which will make any guy go a rubbery one is when you get trapped in an abandoned cabin and surrounded by the Ganados on all sides. It's so awesome that it can't be described in words.I'm going to stop here to let you go play this game for yourself.If you don't do it don't ever come back to this page.
Badass Chainsaw Man:

*None of these photos belong to me and I don't claim to own them.