1.I got into Symbiosis Law School( I risk detection of my blog by my college's authorities by entering the name here but what the hell!) on my own.On merit.Got ranked 5th overall.This after the plethora of teachers,well-wishers(*cough*yeah right*cough),classmates,aunties,uncles and others informing me that I was likely to end up in a crap college with my parents having to pay out of their noses and other bodily orifices.I guess they were all correct and I ended.....Oh wait!I guess you were all wrong and I had and am still having the last laugh(It's quite a long laugh that resonates for a good amount of time) because I got into one of the best fucking law schools in the damn country!!And I earned it.And my college life kicks so much ass I can't start to describe it.As an additional awesome-factor, most of the students in my class who studied 24x7 and scorned me when I had fun ended up in crap colleges with THEIR parents paying through their noses and other bodily orifices.
2.I got a SWEET new laptop.Finally I get a thing that's almost as awesome as me.It kicks donkey ass!I special ordered it with a friggin' 1 GB Graphics Card.I can finally play every game I ever wanted.This means that Prototype,Prince of Persia 4,Left 4 Dead,Batman:Arkham Asylum and....and......RESIDENT EVIL 5!!!! are all playable on my laptop!!!With no problems.Except an overheating issue(Damn you HP for not building a better Heat Dissipation System!!)OHHHHHHHHHHH!!!Gamer-gasm.
3.As an addition to my AWESOME LAPTOP I got an AWESOME controller to play games.Apart from being ergonomically designed(Yes.I'm reciting it from the manual) and looking like a fucking dream-machine,that runs on children's dreams and pink hearts,that's designed to give orgasms it's also....wait for it..............WIRELESS!!!!So I can be an even bigger douchebag and sit 30 feet away and play games.Why would I do something like that???BECAUSE I CAN!!!

4.I'm attempting imitation of a goat.Via growth of hair on my face.And just to be a dick I'll put up a photo of my face.Taken with my NEW LAPTOP'S WEBCAM!!HA!

So in closing I would like to say....SO LONG SUCKERS!!It's been good posting again.